Aerial of Village of Westfield 1921

Village of Westfield Community Profile

The Village of Westfield is located in west central Marquette County about 50 miles north of Madison.  Interstate 39 is Westfield's primary link to the state's transportation network.  The north-south connection with Interstate 39 is complemented by nearby east-west linkage with state highways 21, 23 and 82. 

Moderate population growth over the past thirty years has enabled Westfield to reach its current population of just over 1,200.  Over the past ten years, population growth has accelerated, with a growth rate half again as rapid as the county and over four times that of the state.

The economic base is diverse with a good balance of employment in the manufacturing, trade and service sectors.  Machinery manufacturing and food processing are Westfield's major manufacturing enterprises. 

The village's existing housing stock is sound, and attractive building sites are available for new development.  Sites also exist for expansion or relocation of commercial and industrial operations.  A site plan has been developed for the industrial park and sanitary sewer and an entrance road have been constructed in the park.  Incentive for locating in the park are generous and negotiable.

Quality urban services - police and fire protection, emergency medical service, wastewater collection and treatment and refuse collection - are provided.

Educational needs of area children are met by the Westfield High School and elementary schools operated by the Westfield School District.  A newly constructed high school facility opened the Fall of 1997.  Vocational-technical education is provided by the Madison Area Technical Collage located in nearby Portage.  University of Wisconsin campuses in Madison and Stevens Point are within an hour's drive.

Lakes, streams, woodlands and other natural features in Westfield provide recreational opportunity's for residents and tourists alike.   

Maggie Mae 7/20/11

Westfield Senior Citizen/ Add Life Center

The Elderly Nutrition Program is "more than a meal".  Besides promoting better health among participants through nutrition, the Elderly Nutrition program is aimed at reducing the isolation of old age, promoting greater utilization of needed services and generally offering older adults a greater opportunity to remain independent and productive within the community.  The Aging Unit responds to the needs of Senior Citizens in five principle areas: transportation, nutrition, benefit counseling, advocacy and volunteer opportunities.


If you have any questions regarding this program please contact:

Aging Service Manager

Department of Human Services

428 Underwood Ave.

P.O. Box 405

Montello, WI 53949
